PHP Data Validation Class


9 Apr 2011

Created this data validation class a couple of days back for validating some forms. Thought it might be useful for others. This one’s very basic and light-weight but still fully working with many pre-defined rules.

Before listing the class, let me first show how it’s used:

require 'Validator.class.php';

$validator = new Validator();

// Add rules
$validator->addRule('name', array('minlength' => 5, 'maxlength' => 20));
$validator->addRule('age', array('min' => 13, 'max' => 35));
$validator->addRule('url', array('url'));
$validator->addRule('about', array('require'));

// Data to be validated, would normally come from a form
$data = array(
        'name' => 'Arvind Gupta',
        'age' => '80',
        'url' => 'http:www.arvindgupta',

// Set data to be validated

// Check
if ($validator->isValid())
    echo '<h1>Data is valid!</h1>';
    echo '<h1>Data is not valid!</h1>';
    echo '<ol>';

    // Get and print errors in a nice manner
    foreach ($validator->getErrors() as $field => $messages)
        if (count($messages) == 1)
            echo "<li><strong>$field</strong>: $messages[0]</li>";
            // If a field has more than one error
            echo "<li><strong>$field</strong>:</li>";
            echo '<ol>';
            foreach ($messages as $message)
                echo "<li>$message</li>";
            echo '</ol>';
    echo '</ol>';

Very straightforward!

Validating a form is equally straightforward. The best way would be to have the form elements named like arrays, for example:

<form ...>
	<input type="text" name="form1[text1]" value="" />
	<input type="text" name="form1[text2]" value="" />

And, use something the following line to provide the form data to the validator at one go:


That’s it! Here is the class code:

 * Validator
 * Data validation class
 * @author      Arvind Gupta <contact [ AT ] arvindgupta [ DOT ] co [ DOT ] in>
 * @copyright   Arvind Gupta (c) 2011
 * @link
 * @license     You're free to do whatever with this as long as this notice
 *              remains intact.
class Validator

    protected $_rules = array();
    protected $_data = array();
    protected $_messages = array();
    protected $_errors = array();

    public function __construct()

     * Add a rule
     * @param string $field	Field name (index of data to be validated)
     * @param array  $rules	Array of rule(s)
    public function addRule($field, array $rules)
        $this->_rules[$field] = $rules;

     * Set data to be validated
     * @param array $data   Data to be validated
    public function setData(array $data)
        $this->_data = $data;

     * Set error message for rule
     * @param string $rule	Rule name
     * @param string $message	New message
    public function setMessage($rule, $message)
        $this->_messages[$rule] = $message;

     * Validates current data with current rules
     * @return boolean
    public function isValid()
        $valid = true;
        foreach ($this->_rules as $field => $rules)
            $value = isset($this->_data[$field]) ? $this->_data[$field] : '';

            foreach ($rules as $rule => $parameter)
                // If rule does not require parameter
                if (is_int($rule))
                    $rule = $parameter;
                    $parameter = null;

                if (!$this->check($value, $rule, $parameter))
                    $valid = false;

                    if (stripos($this->_messages[$rule], '%s') !== false)
                        $this->_errors[$field][] = sprintf($this->_messages[$rule], $parameter);
                        $this->_errors[$field][] = $this->_messages[$rule];

        return $valid;

     * Get error messages if validation fails
     * @return array	Error messages
    public function getErrors()
        return $this->_errors;

    protected function check($value, $rule, $parameter)
        switch ($rule)
            case 'require' :
                return!(trim($value) == '');

            case 'maxlength' :
                return (strlen($value) <= $parameter);

            case 'minlength' :
                return (strlen($value) >= $parameter);

            case 'numeric' :
                return is_numeric($value);

            case 'int' :
                return is_int($value);

            case 'min' :
                return $value > $parameter ? true : false;

            case 'max' :
                return $value < $parameter ? true : false;

            case 'url':
                // Regex taken from symfony
                return preg_match('~^
			      (https?)://                               # protocol
				([a-z0-9-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}               # a domain name
				  |                                     #  or
				\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}      # a IP address
			      (:[0-9]+)?                                # a port (optional)
			      (/?|/\S+)                                 # a /, nothing or a / with something
			    $~ix', $value);

            case 'email':
                return preg_match('/^([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i', $value);

            case 'regex':
                return preg_match($parameter, $value);

            case 'pass':
                return true;

            default :
                return false;

    protected function setDefaultMessages()
        $this->_messages = array(
                'require' => 'Field is required.',
                'maxlength' => 'Too long (%s characters max).',
                'minlength' => 'Too short (%s characters min).',
                'numeric' => 'Value must be numeric.',
                'int' => 'Value must be an integer.',
                'max' => 'Value must be at most %s',
                'min' => 'Value must be at least %s',
                'url' => 'Value must be a valid URL.',
                'email' => 'Value must be a valid email.',
                'regex' => 'Invalid value.',

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Personal blog of a 24-year-old entrepreneur from Jamshedpur, India. He loves to discover new things and how stuff works.




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